Shark Tank? (Investors)

Should Personality-Ville be on Shark Tank?

YES! Because, Personality-Ville Treasure Map-to-Life Game would be great TV and an awesome investment for the sharks!

Now is the time! With many people starved for something new, fun, educational and stimulating, Personality-Ville checks all the boxes and more.

Many times, those that see the beautiful map and colorful characters of Personality-Ville, say the same thing, "This should be on Shark Tank! I can see a huge map as a backdrop with all the Sharks 'placed' in each of the kingdoms! Soooo fun!"

So, we thought it would be fun to put together a "what if" picture of what some of that might look like! Enjoy!

Imagine the set: we'd bring in a huge real wooden treasure chest, with gold and silver coins, colorful gems and other fun costumes-- crowns, jester hats, velvet resting pillows, and of course Queen Kimberly will be in full coronation dress! The gigantic map will look more like a Lord of the Rings treasure map next to the shining gold, black and 4-color royal banners as they shimmer with life while Queen Kimberly deftly takes viewers and The Sharks on Quest One as she "places" each Shark on the Personality-Ville Treasure Map.

Below: A PV Map for some of The Sharks.

There is no best kingdom for an entrepreneur as all kingdoms can succeed with their special strengths. 

Barbara Corcoran has said, "I'm the queen of fun!" so of course she's near The Circus! We have placed Daymond John in between The Observatory and The Cottage. He's cautious and thoughtful. Mr. Wonderful is up near the Dragon Bossy Barker as his strengths at times go to "the extreme" where The Dragons of Defects live in the outer corners of the kingdoms.


Queen Kimberly is in the process of forming possible partnerships. Besides all the fun physical products and merchandise, an APP and online kingdom "world" is being designed and seeks strategic ventures or licensing in Ed.Tech, online training, gaming, dating, and/or other social media configurations. 

Contact us for details.

Click video below for a a pitch to a So. California grant opportunity. 

 Video for Long Beach Accelerator PITCH


Free Quiz: (click below)

 Where is your Personality-Ville Treasure Chest ? » 



Below: Shark Tank TV Show Set Decorations for Personality-Ville. This will be very large fabric banners with gold tassels, maps, treasure chests, gems and other fun things!

(This also could be installed at your company, school, or organization!)







Below: some background on the founder of Personality-Ville, Kimberly West. She created The Kingdom as a response to a disability that came about when she was hit by THREE drunk drivers in one month. See the About Section for more details.