Personal Use: Singles, Dating

While dating, many have told of feeling attracted to their opposite. See, you are drawn to your "harmony," naturally to complement your style. The challenge is, after about three months, people generally relax and become their total self. Sometimes, this is when you get to see their Dragon of Defect. In fact, Queen Kimberly West says, "Real love only happens after you have met my Dragon of Defect." And isn't that what real love is: accepting the good and the bad?
Knowing the personality style or temperament of your loved-one can have a most profound affect on your relationship--in fact, it just might save a marriage or save countless hours looking for that "perfect person" who you may not even understand.
It is very important to understand that the different Personality-Ville kingdoms gain and receive energy differently. Extroverts gain energy from being around people. Introverts gain energy from being alone. And the opposite is true: introverts around a lot of people causes them to spend their energy. Extroverts alone, causes them to spend their energy treasure coins.
As a single person if you don't understand this concept you might continually choose a certain type of person and have no clue as to why.
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